02 2017 personnel 13 unı life newspaper of the university of freiburg www.leben.uni-freiburg.de achievements dr. rupinder kaur of the depart- ment of microsystems engineering (mst), mirjam lücking of the depart- ment of ethnology, and christina pfeuffer of the institute of psychology are receiving the stay! bridging schol- arship from the university of freiburg and the new university endowment freiburg. this is designed to attract fe- male post-docs who want to continue their academic career but have not yet securedfollow-upfinancing.fundingof 1,800 euros per month is granted initi- ally for six months, and this may be ex- tended to one year. dr. kaur is rese- arching affordable and durable composites from semiconductors and nanostructured materials. her goal is to defineandimprovethefeaturesofthe- se composites so that they can contri- bute to the production of energy through water splitting. lücking is stu- dying the reciprocal relationship bet- ween anti-islamic and islamic populism. she is carrying out an international comparative case study to investigate the attraction of various forms of xeno- phobic populism. pfeuffer's research project examines the processes of hu- man action control with the aid of eye movements. the freiburg microsystems engineer dr. can dincer took second place in the gips-schüle-nachwuchspreis for his dissertation, which looks at the op- timization of biosensor systems for the diagnosis of diseases. the gips schüle foundation presents the award in reco- gnition of outstanding doctoral work in the "mint" subjects, mathematics, in- formatics, science and technology. the prize is endowed with 5,000 euros. friedericke fischer has received an award for best poster presentation at the annual conference of the gesell- schaft für pädiatrische nephrologie, along with an award of 1,000 euros. the honor was given in recognition of the results of her master thesis, which she wrote at the center for pediatrics at freiburg university medical center. in this, she describes an innovative prote- in that could be used therapeutically against diseases of the complement system. dr. lena krämer from the institute of psychology has received the 5,000 euro e-learning incentive award from the university of freiburg. this was conferred on her for an e-portfolio that she developed as a form of examination that accompanies the "clinical psycho- logical intervention" course throughout the semester. its aim is to help students take a critical stance towards issues andreflectontheirownactionsbycoll- ecting documents in which they record and evaluate their learning process over the course of the semester into a kind of virtual folder on the online lear- ning platform ilias. the freiburg forestry scientist prof. dr. dr. h.c. heinrich spiecker has been awarded the international coope- ration prize by the chinese province of hebei. spiecker received the prize for his contribution to seminatural forestry there. since december 2012, he has been advising the state forestry enter- prise mulan, which manages an area of forest land of 90,000 hectares around beijing. the region is demonstrating best forestry practice as part of a nati- onwide development program. amongst other things, spiecker developed growth models that were adapted to the location to help with this project. these growth models allow a forest's produc- tivity to be estimated, enabling sustai- nable use of the tree stock. the verein rheinisch-westfälischer augenärzte has awarded its science prize to dr. thomas wecker, specialist at the freiburg university medical center's eye center. the prize, which brings with it a grant of 15,000 euros, funds projects by junior researchers whohavemadeasignificantcontributi- on to ophthalmology. the prize-winning project was designed to characterize geneticinformationinintraocularfluid samples from the anterior and posterior chamber, and so contributes to better understanding of various eye diseases. the biologist dr. kosuke yamahara of the shiga university of medical sci- ence in otsu, japan, is receiving a humboldt research scholarship for post-docs. with its scholarship, the ale- xander von humboldt foundation sup- ports highly qualified scientists from ein konto für alles mögliche. -mal besser vorbereitet mit . dieses giro- und erlebniskonto hat in ihrer studien- und azubizeit alles parat. infos zu den vorteilen – banking und service, sicherheit und preisvorteile in der regio – gibt’s bei der sparkasse vor ort oder per contomaxx-app. … lebe dein konto! contomaxx.de abroad at the start of their career. yamahara will be researching at the university of freiburg into how altered metabolic processes in specialized kid- ney cells contribute to the progression of diabetic nephropathy. the disease can be a consequence of diabetes and is the commonest cause of dialysis de- pendency. the hosts are prof. dr. tobi- as b. huber and prof. dr. gerd walz from the department of medicine iv at the freiburg university medical center. prof. dr. almut zeeck, senior physi- cian at the department of psychosoma- tic medicine and psychotherapy of the freiburg university medical center, has together with the chief psychologist dr. armin hartmann received the heigl pri- zefortheirscientificworkonpsycho- therapy research. the prize is endowed with 10,000 euros and will be presented at the annual conference of the deut- sche gesellschaft für psychosomati- sche medizin und ärztliche psychothe- rapie in berlin. the work of zeeck and hartmann looks at the question of how patients internalize experiences in the- rapy sessions and process them in dai- ly life. the chemist dr. jun zheng from the chinese academy of sciences in shanghai, china, is receiving a hum- boldt research scholarship for post- docs from the alexander von humboldt foundation. with its scholarship, the foundation supports highly qualified scientists from abroad at the start of their career. at the university of frei- burg dr. zheng will be looking at new methods of chemical synthesis that are preferablyatom-efficientandtherefore free of potential waste products. the substances hereby created will, for ex- ample, be used as a basis for medici- nes or dyes. the host is prof. dr. bern- hard breit from the institute of organic chemistry and biochemistry. the ministry of science, research and art (mwk) of the state of baden- württemberg and the university of freiburg are supporting five outstan- ding women scholars who have one child or more. the brigitte-schlieben- lange program provides aid for mothers working towards professor- ships. through one to two years of employment, the program promotes academic qualification initiatives during the postdoctoral phase. during this time, the researchers can obtain the qualifications they still need for full professorships and raise follow- up research funding. the award- winning their projects are as follows: researchers and - dr. maria asplund, biomedical microtechnology; "functional electro- nic materials for enhancing neural microelectrodes" - dr. cornelia klose, biology; "how intracellular protein dynamics regulate the activity of the plant photoreceptors phytochrome a and b" - dr. sandra straßburg, experimental surgery; "regenerative approaches in plastic surgery" - associate professor dr. sarah tei- ge-mocigemba, psychology; "is negative stronger than positive? process components of valence asym- metry effects: a diffusion model analysis" - dr. elisabeth zima, german linguistics; "pilot study on multimodal coordination in joint recounting during face-to-face interaction" appointments faculty of theology effective 1 april 2017, the rector has appointed prof. dr. karl-heinz ruhstorfer, technische universität dresden, professor of dogmatics with source studies of medieval theology. faculty of economics and behavioral sciences prof. dr. ulrike halsband, institute of psychology, retired at the end of march 2017. faculty of philology effective 1 april 2017, the rector has appointed axel bohmann from the department of english to be an adminis- trative officer for the period of three years. prof. dr. eva tichy, indo-european linguistics, retired at the end of march 2017. faculty of humanities effective 30 march 2017, the rector has appointed junior professor dr. anna lipphardt, institute of cultural anthro- pology and european ethnology, professor of cultural studies, with a concentration on mobility and culture in europe. the rector has appointed prof. dr. gordon crawford, centre for trust, peace and social relations of coventry university, gb, an adjunct professor. prof. dr. ulrich rebstock, oriental semi- nar, retired at the end of march 2017. effective 1 may 2017, the rector has appointed dr. laury sarti from the department of history to be an administ- rativeofficerfortheperiodofthreeyears. faculty of mathematics and physics prof. dr. victor bangert, institute of mathematics, retired at the end of march 2017. effective 1 april 2017, the rector has appointed dr. anja kuhnhold from the institute of physics to be an administra- tiveofficerfortheperiodofthreeyears. effective 1 april 2017, the rector has appointed dr. amador martin pizarro, university of lyon, france, professor of mathematical logic and principles of mathematics. faculty of chemistry and pharmacy effective 1 april 2017, the vice president has appointed dr. markus heiny from the institute of macromole- cular chemistry to be an administrative officerfortheperiodofthreeyears. anniversaries 25th anniversaries dr. jens-arne dickmann, institute of archeological sciences marion leinfelder, institute of sports science and physical education prof. dr. ursula nothelle-wildfeuer, institute of practical theology prof. dr. alexander renkl, institute of psychology prof. dr. annette huber-klawitter, institute of mathematics 40th anniversaries prof. dr. dr. jürgen bengel, institute of psychology rita matysiak, university library harald noeske, institute of biology i anja semmler, faculty of chemistry andpharmacydean'soffice faculty of biology prof. dr. peter beyer, institute of biology ii, retired at the end of march 2017. effective 27 march 2017, the rector has appointed junior professor dr. winfried römer, bioss centre for biological signalling studies/institute of biology ii, professor of synthetic biology of signalling processes. effective 1 april 2017, the rector has appointed dr. sebastian timo schenk from the institute of biology ii to be an administrative officer for the period of three years. faculty of environment and natural resources effective 1 april 2017, the rector has appointed dr. sina leipold, institute of environmental social sciences and geography, junior professor of social transformation and closed-loop economy for the period of four years. faculty of engineering prof. dr. dr. h.c. günter müller, institute of computer science and social studies, retired at the end of march 2017. he will be a senior advisor at the centre for security and society of the university of freiburg until 31 december 2017. effective 10 april 2017, the rector has appointed dr. lars pastewka, karlsruhe institute of technology and the fraunhofer institute for mecha- nics of materials – iwm in freiburg, professor of simulation. effective 1 april 2017, the rector has appointed dr. alexander reiterer, fraunhofer institute for physical measurement techniques – ipm in freiburg, professor of inspection of major structures. prof. dr. alexander rohrbach from the institute of microsystems engi- neering has declined the appointment offered to him by the university of osnabrück. effective 1 april 2017, the rector has appointed dr. simon thiele from the institute of microsystems engineering to be an administrative officer for the period of three years. effective 1 april 2017, the rector has appointed dr. anelis kaiser trujillo, university of bern, switzerland, professor of gender studies in mint. venia legendi for dr. heiko becker, experimental medicine dr. dr. franck billmann, surgery dr. frederike hassepaß, oto- rhino- laryngology dr. ulrich hubbe, neurosurgery dr. david christopher kubosch, orthopedics and trauma surgery dr. karen lienkamp, microsystems engineering dr. ulrich maurer, experimental medicine dr. jochen oliver reinöhl, medicine