03 2017 personnel 13 unı life newspaper of the university of freiburg www.leben.uni-freiburg.de awards measurements the winners of the f irst phase of the st ar tinsland business plan c ompetition have been named: b e n j a m i n b a u m a n n, m a t h i a s k l e n n e r, b e r n h a r d s c h ö n e and ch r i s t i a n z e c h won the ‘innova - tions from scienc e and universi - ties’ c ategor y with their projec t ‘ondosense’. they are developing an innovative intelligent sensor for t aking in environments where optic al or acoustic sensors are imprecise or fail c ompletely. first prize in the c ategor y ‘innovations from busi - ness and society’ went to jerome m e i n ke, lilian ret tegi and dr. lu k a s s p o h n for their ‘cline x ’ business concept, an app for digi- tal documentation of physical ex- aminations. the special prize for ‘g reen ec onomy ’ went to m a r c o armbruster and benedik t hauer. as ‘arbeitsgruppe biomasse’ they aim to of fer advic e, laborator y analyses and automated fermenta- tion test stands with appropriate software to operators of biogas fa- c ilities. e s t h e r a r r oyo g a r c i a, fr e d e r i k b ö h m and ch r i s t i a n hir t h impressed with their ‘deep - va’ (deep v ideo a nalysis) business concept, taking the ‘digi- tal future’ special prize. the sys- tem c an automatic ally ex trac t various features from videos, gen- erate metadata and classif y and desc r ibe the video using this content. mater ials exper t dr. h a t e m a b u s h a m m a l a who was super- vised by the professor of forest biomater ials has rec eived the ecology prize from the sigrid-und- viktor- dulger- stif tung for his the - sis. this looked at how nanotech- nology can enrich traditional wood science. the ecology prize is en- dowed with eur 6,0 0 0 and was presented at the heidelberg acad- emy of sciences and humanities. it is awarded annually for a work in the f ields of humanities, soc ial sciences and science or engineer- ing that aims to resolve environ - mental problems. suppor ts the biologist dr. milena ber tolotti from the univer sit à v it a - salute san raf faele in milan, italy, has rec eived the humboldt research scholarship from the alexander von humboldt foundation for post- doc s. with its sc holar ship, the foundation highly qualified scientists from abroad at the star t of their career. ber tolotti will be using a new method to investigate the localization and in- terac tion of rec eptor s on b - lym - phocytes and b-tumor cells on the nanometer scale at the university of freiburg. she is hosted by prof. dr. michael reth from the institute of biology iii, bioss c entre for biological signalling studies, and the max planck institute of immu- nobiology epigenetic s, freiburg. and the univer sit y of freiburg has conferred the university medal on kar in endress and margot sel z. endress, president of the founda- tion board of the georg h. endress foundation, received the university medal for the foundation’s ex ten- sive suppor t of the tec hnic al faculty, freiburg sustainability re- search, and the european campus. selz, the initiator and chair of the a k tionskreis freiburger sc hule – initiative für ordnungspolitik e.v., was given the distinction for her lasting the public disc our se about fundament al is - sues of a social market economy in dialogue with the univer sit y of freiburg. impac t on dr. karim mohamed gad from the institute of microsystems engineer- ing rec eived the südwestmet all incentive award for his dissertation which looks at the use of functional nano-layers in silicon solar panels. the inc entive award honor s out- standing achievements by junior researchers at the nine universities in the federal st ate of baden - wür t temberg. the award br ings with it eur 5,0 0 0 for wor k of significance to the industrial world of work or its socio-political frame- work. gad researched how dif fer- ent nano - layer s c an be used to produc e hetero - c ont ac ts on the basis of silic on crystals. passivated the neurobiologist prof. dr. carola h a a s has rec eived the a lfred hauptmann prize. the prize for the best scientific work in clinical and exper iment al epileptology in german-speaking countries, which br ings with it eur 10,0 0 0, is awarded ever y t wo year s. haas was honored for a study c ar r ied out in 2016. in it, she examined development al disorder s of the human temporal lobes that fre - quently occur in conjunction with medic ation - resist ant epilepsy. haas shares the prize money with a swiss research team, including assoc iate professor dr. g i a n m a rco d e m a rchi s of the univer- sitätsspital basel and dr. deborah pu g i n of the h ôpit aux univer si - taires de genève. mic robiology the internist and senior physician in the department of infectiology at the university medical center, prof. dr. winfried kern, has been hon- ored by the european societ y of clinic al and infectious diseases (escmid) for his researc h wor k and c ontr ibu - tions to society by being named an honorar y member of escmid, the european soc iet y for clinic al mic robiology infec tious diseases. ker n has been on the board of escmid since 2009 and is now the program director of the annual conference, which is one of the largest international events in the field of infectiology and clinical microbiology. and the deutsche gesellschaf t für pä- diatrische infektiologie has award- ed t he t he o do r esc her ic h pr ize, w h i c h i s e n d o we d w i t h eu r 2 0, 0 0 0, t o d r. r o l a n d e l l i n g. el li n g i s a s p e c i a li st at t h e z e n - trum für kinder- und jugendmedi- zin of the university medical cent- e r a n d a f e l l o w o n t h e b e r t a o t tenstein pro gr am fo r c linic ian sc ientists of the medic al fac ult y. he was awarded the prize for his p l a n n e d p r o j e c t t o s t u d y t h e ef - fects of gluc oc or tic oid hormones o n immune c e lls in tub e rc ul o si s and other inflammator y processes using crispr /cas9 gene editing technology. the univer sit y c ollege freiburg (ucf) has awarded the sociologist m a t t h i a s l e a n z a the erasmus pr ize for the liberal a r ts and sciences 2017 for his disser tation ‘ die zeit der prävention. eine genealogie der krankheitsvorbeu- gung’. the ucf has awarded the prize annually since 2013 for work which treats its subject in an exem- plary fashion from a perspective of the science of history or epistemol- ogy and that c ontr ibutes to an interdisciplinar y methodic al and theoretical exchange. the prize is endowed with eur 5,0 0 0 and is funded by the sparkasse freiburg- nördlicher breisgau. in his disser- tation, leanza traced the develop- ment of prevention in a moder n c ontex t, t aking as an example disease prevention. prof. dr. jennifer e. reardon from the university of california, usa , has received the friedrich wilhelm bessel researc h award. the alexander von humboldt founda- tion honors internationally-recog- nized foreign sc ientists with the prize, which is endowed with eur 45,000. reardon will be working on big data in the life sciences at the university of freiburg. she will be investigating how scientists deal with the problem of interpretation of large quantities of dat a. her is prof. dr. ve r o n i k a host li p p h a r d t of the univer sit y college freiburg. this year, the univer sit y of freiburg is awarding the university teac hing award for outst anding teaching achievements to dr. anna rosen, research assistant at the depar tment of english, and prof. dr. t i m k r i e g e r, holder of the wilfr ied guth endowed chair for constitutional politic al ec onomy and competition policy. the prize is endowed with eur 5,0 0 0 for each recipient. endowed with eur 500, the special prize for student initiative goes to alexandra haag, a student of medicine. the prizes will be presented in october 2017 at the start of the 2017/18 academ- ic year. the university is honoring rosen’s teaching concept ‘applying linguistic s foreign language classroom’, which ena- bles prospective english teachers to engage with the authentic speech of school pupils in research projec ts of their own. k r ieger receives the universit y teaching award for his many year s of acclaimed teaching in economics and above all for his teac hing concept ‘economics blog’. alexan- dra haag will receive the award for her children’s referenc e book ‘paula und die zauberschuhe’. this of fer s insight into the wor ld of a child with a physical disability. the in the islamic scholar prof. dr. walid ahmad saleh from the university of toronto, canada, has received the konrad adenauer researc h award. the a lexander von humboldt foundation awards the annual pr ize, which is funded by the german foreign ministry, to an i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y - r e c o g n i z e d researcher from canada. the prize is endowed with eur 6 0,0 0 0. saleh will be researching glosses to the koran c omment ar y of al - baidawi, the most impor tant and widely- known koran c omment ar y up until the 20 th c entur y. his host is prof. dr. j o h a n n a pi n k of the o r ient al seminar. sunni at the end of marc h, prof. dr. nadine schlüter, research profes- sor at the department of operative dentistr y and per iodontology of the univer sit y m edic al c enter freiburg, received the basil g. bib- by young investigator award at the annual meeting of the international association for dental research in san franc isc o. the pr ize is endowed with usd 2,5 0 0 and honors work to date by junior researchers in the field of cariology. faculty news faculty of theology faculty of humanities the faculty of theology has awarded three honorary doctorates. the distinction was given to prof. dr. christine axt-pis- calar, holder of the chair for systematic theology and head of the institutum lu- theranum at the university of göttingen, prof. dr. wolfgang bernhardt, honorary professor for corporate governance at the university of leipzig and chair of the su- pervisory board of the frankfurter allge- meine zeitung until 2012, and prof. dr. rudolf langthaler, management of the institut für christliche philosophie at the faculty of catholic theology of the uni- versity of vienna. the rector has awarded associate profes- sor dr. stephan wahle the title of adjunct professor for the duration of his license to teach at the university of freiburg. faculty of medicine with effect from 1 may 2017, the rector has appointed prof. dr. harald binder, university medical center at the jo- hannes gutenberg university of mainz, professor of medical biometry and statis- tics. with effect from 1 may 2017, the rector has appointed prof. dr. tilmann brummer, institute of molecular medicine and cell research, professor of medical cell research and signal transduction. with effect from 1 may 2017, the rector has appointed prof. dr. matthias eder, deutsches krebsforschungszentrum hei- delberg, of radio- pharmaceutical development after the jülicher model. professor with effect from 1 april 2017, the rector has appointed prof. dr. olaf groß, tech- nical university of munich, professor of experimental neuro pathology. with effect from 1 may 2017, the rector has appointed prof. dr. andreas vlachos, heinrich-heine-universität düs- seldorf, professor of neuroanatomy. faculty of philology prof. dr. rolf kailuweit has accepted the appointment offered by the heinrich- heine-universität düsseldorf. he is leav- ing the professorship in romance lan- guages and media studies at the department of romance languages and literatures here. with effect from 1 may 2017, the rector has appointed michael abeßer from the department of history to be an adminis- trative officer for the period of three years. prof. dr. jörn leonhard has declined the appointment offered to him by the ruhr- universität bochum in connection with an appointment the kulturwissenschaftlichen institut in essen. by faculty of mathematics and physics with effect from 21 june 2017, the rector has appointed dr. andrea knue from the institute of physics to be an administrative officer for the period of three years. faculty of chemistry and pharmacy the rector has appointed prof. dr. dr. an- dreas barner, president of the stifterver- band für die deutsche wissenschaft e.v., honorary professor. dr. michael summer has accepted the appointment offered by the chemnitz uni- versity of technology. faculty of biology prof. dr. ilka diester from the institute of biology iii has declined the appointment offered by the eberhard karls university of tübingen. faculty of environment and natural resources with effect from 1 june 2017, the rector has appointed dr. malte junge of the in- stitute of geology and environmental sci- ences to be an administrative officer for the period of three years. with effect from 12 july 2017, the rector has appointed dr. gerwin wulf of the institute of geology and environmental sciences to be an administrative officer for the period of three years. faculty of engineering with effect from 1 july 2017, the rector has appointed dr. alfons dehé, infineon technologies ag, professor of smart sys- tems integration. prof. dr. thomas brox from the institute of computer science has declined the appointment offered to him by the eberhard karls university of tübingen. neue produkte im sor timent produkte finden sie im online-shop: www.shop.uni-freiburg.de und in den buchhandlungen rombach und walthari anniversaries 25th anniversaries prof. dr. ad aertsen, institute of biology iii/bernstein center freiburg prof. dr. manfred june, institute of pharmaceutical sciences lothar mertink, university computer center ralf rich, central university administration 40th anniversaries prof. dr. elisabeth cheauré, department of slavic languages and literatures prof. dr. ulrich landgraf, institute of physics prof. dr. oliver landmann, institute of economic theory and public finance venia legendi for dr. nicole falkenhayner, english literature and cultural studies dr. alberto rodríguez gonzález, physics dr. tobias hack, moral theology dr. benjamin kohlmann, english philology dr. sonja levsen, modern and contemporary history dr. alexander mischnik, medical microbiology