19 sustainability center freiburg | department of sustainable systems engineering the university of freiburg and the city’s five fraunhofer institutes opened the sustainability center freiburg in 2015. scientists at the center cooperate with industry partners and other external institutions to develop solutions to great chal- lenges like climate change and resource scarcity. the key topics are sustainable materials, energy systems, resilience research and resilient engineering systems, and ecological and social transformation. the engineering core of the center is the department of sustainable systems engineering (inatech), also founded in 2015 at the university of freiburg’s faculty of engineering.. www.leistungszentrum-nachhaltigkeit.de www.inatech.uni-freiburg.de upper rhine cluster for sustainability research founded in 2016, the upper rhine cluster for sustainability research includes the member universities of “eucor – the european campus” in basel, freiburg, karlsruhe, mulhouse, and strasbourg, the university of koblenz and landau, and other associated partners. the cluster concentrates on the general theme of how to govern sustainable growth, encom- passing ecological, social, and economic sustainability. the main focus areas are “governance,” “energy, infrastructure, and social change,” “transformation processes and tech- nologies,” “resource management,” and “multiculturalism and multilingualism.” www.nachhaltigkeit-oberrhein.info there are many sustainability issues in which the problem is known but the solution is yet to be found, says ulrich schraml. photo: klaus polkowski but sustainability is something everyone can agree upon, right? as long as the concept remains abstract, everybody nods his or her head in approval. however, things get interest- ing as soon as it becomes concrete, because sustainabil- ity means conflict. environmental, economic, agricultural, and social policymakers need to debate with one another to determine which programs are feasible from the stand- point of sustainability. what aspects are you most interested in bringing to the table? the fields i’m most familiar with are environmental policy and land use, with an emphasis on forests. in the past years my team and i have also focused increasingly on social topics, such as health and recreation. these are important and interesting aspects, both for forests and for urban green spaces. generally speaking, are the social sciences gaining in significance here? upper rhine research alliance that is the impression i get, because there are a lot of issues where we know the problem but do not yet have the solution. take purchasing, for example: a lot of organiza- tions want to follow sustainability goals when purchasing goods like paper, furniture, or automobiles, but the results often fall short of expectations – for instance due to legal barriers, a lack of knowledge, or high costs. social science research can improve our understanding of where these problems of implementation lie and how we can address them. www.ifp.uni-freiburg.de/team/ma-fopof/ulrich-schraml the upper rhine research alliance, founded in 2017 by the university of freiburg, the karlsruhe institute of technology, and the universities of applied sciences in furtwangen, karlsruhe, and offenburg, focuses on the technical founda- tions of sustainability under the theme “long-term stable and resilient technologies – from the component to the sys- tem.” the goal is to develop energy-efficient, intelligent, and resilient technical systems for countering global warm- ing and resource scarcity and dealing with their ecological and social consequences. www.pr.uni-freiburg.de/go/forschungsallianz