Michael Borchardt is the university’s coordinator for the Deutschlandstipendium. Photo: Zahn Financial Freedom for Students The booster association Alumni Freiburg e.V. supports the Deutschlandstipendium CAMPAIGN Michael Borchart coordinates the Deutschlandstipendium (Germany Scholarship), a new funding initiative of the federal government, at the University of Freiburg. Nicolas Scherger asked him what the program is all about. uni’alumni: Mr. Borchart, what makes the Deutschlandstipendium different from other scholarship models? Michael Borchardt: The new thing about the model is the way it is financed. The federal government agrees to pay for half of the scholarship if the univer- sity secures funding for the other half with the help of companies, organiza- tions, or private donors. The students receive 300 euros per month for a period of one year or longer. In other words, the university has to raise at least 1800 euros to cover each scholar- ship. Who can apply for the scholarship? The model is geared toward gifted stu- dents from all fields of study. Applicants are required to have a current grade point average of least 1.3. Other criteria include professional experience, social involvement, and particular biographical circumstances – such as a disability, a migration background, or the necessity to balance studies and parenting responsibilities. The scholarship is designed to provide the recipients with the financial freedom they need to com- plete their course of study. How can alumni of the University of Freiburg support the scholarship? Many alumni know from experience how difficult it is to make ends meet as a stu- dent. Supporting the Deutschlandsti- pendium is a way to help students directly. Alumni can donate enough to cover an entire scholarship, but we also appreciate smaller donations. The booster association Alumni Freiburg e.V., which currently finances two schol- arships itself, collects the donations in a common pot until there is enough to finance further scholarships. We are grateful to the association for its involvement as well as to all former students who support our initiative. » www.uni-freiburg.de/universitaet/ foerdern-und-stiften/deutschlandsti- pendium The Chamber of Commerce (IHK) of the Southern Upper-Rhine Valley is a partner of the Deutschlandstipendium at the University of Freiburg: “We are committed to the Deutschlandsti- pendium model because everyone involved profits from it: The scholarship recipients have more time to devote to their studies and the companies present themselves as attractive employers through their financial support. It also serves to further intensify the cooperation between private enterprise and the university.” Dr. Steffen Auer, President of the IHK of the Southern Upper-Rhine Valley Photo:IHK 14