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uni'wissen 01-2014_ENG

Further Reading Fietz,J. / Tomiuk,J. / Loeschcke,V. / Weis-Dootz,T. / Segelbacher,G. (2014): Genetic consequences of forest fragmentation for a highly specialized arboreal mammal – the edible dormouse. In: PLOS ONE 9/2. Segelbacher, G. (2013): Trends in der Raufußhuhnforschung. In: Der Ornithologische Beobachter 110, pp. 271–280. Segelbacher, G. (2012): Molekulare Methoden im Naturschutz. In: Vogelwarte 50, pp. 9–14. Visit the research portal Surprising Science to find out more about forensic molecular biology and Dr. Segelbacher’s research on the migration behavior of birds: “Instead of looking for a cigarette butt at the scene of a crime we look for feathers, feces, or eggshells.” The scientists can even reconstruct the DNA profile of taxidermically prepared animals like this stuffed wood grouse with the help of the molecular method. Photos: Patrick Seeger development, or roads – the researchers can identify corridors in which a genetic exchange between subpopulations is still occurring. This information provides an important basis for con- servation and land-use planning measures aiming to maintain these corridors and the survival of the species in question. “The government usually focuses its conservation efforts on the conserva- tion of species or ecosystems. The genetic diversity within a species, whose role is at least as impor- tant, is often neglected,” stresses Segelbacher. In order to change this, he is participating in the EU-funded project Conservation Genetic Resources for Effective Species Survival (ConGRESS), which combines research and conservation. The goal is to provide protagonists from the government, administration, environmental organizations, and the media with information on conservation genetics and recommend measures. Dr. Gernot Segelbacher studied biology with an emphasis on zoology, botany, and geology in Tübingen and earned his PhD at the Munich University of Technology in 2002. In his dissertation he studied the genetics of the wood grouse. After a few years conducting research at the ornithological institute in Radolfzell as a postdoctoral research fellow of the Max Planck Institute of Ornithology, he accepted a position as research assistant at the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Wildlife Management at what is now the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, formerly the Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences, of the University of Freiburg. His research focuses on the application of molecular methods in nature conservation. 27
