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uni'alumni 2015_ENG

Photos: private Students need space to concentrate on their studies – space to think and re- search, space for creativity and criticism, societal involvement and the exchange of ideas. After all, studying is not just about acquiring knowledge but also about de- veloping one’s own personality. The Deutschlandstipendium (Germany Schol- arship) offers the necessary space for this. Here we would like to introduce you to three students who received a scholar- ship in the academic year 2013/14. A Thirst for Adventure No permission to film, a minimum of equipment, but a real thirst for adven- ture: This is how three Freiburg students began their trip to Isfahan, Iran, in sum- mer 2013 to make a film on Freiburg’s sister city. One of them was Tristan Stö- ber, student of biology and recipient of a Deutschlandstipendium. “Iran was really exciting. I’ve never felt such a discrep- ancy between the image of a place as conveyed by Western media and per- sonal experience,” says the 26-year-old. Despite the positive experiences, the trip was fraught with many uncertainties. In order to bring the film material safely back over the border, the students re- turned to Germany separately – each of them with a copy. Stöber opted for the overland route, hitchhiking through Tur- key. But he had to wait an unusually long time at the border. “It was a real relief to finally be allowed through. I felt what it means to live in freedom.” Neuroscience and Ethics Dr. Arun D’Souza is a master’s stu- dent at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Freiburg. He came to Freiburg from Trinity College at the Uni- versity of Dublin, Ireland, to earn his ha- bilitation as a brain researcher at the Institute of Psychology. He can imagine pursuing a career in Freiburg, where scientists are conducting interdiscipli- nary research on neuroethics, for in- stance at the Cluster of Excellence BrainLinks–BrainTools. But how can D’Souza afford to do this? As a student he is not allowed to work more than 19.5 hours per week, and it isn’t possible to get a government student loan for a second course of study. The answer he found was the Deutschlandstipendium: It is awarded by the university, it is not affiliated with a political party, and eligi- bility is not dependent on income level. Getting to Work For Kira Urschinger, former student of German linguistics, the path to a pro- fessional future took the form of a posi- tion as editor at DASDING, the youth station of the SWR broadcasting corpo- ration – which she sees as “the best “I had the benefit of receiving a scholarship many years ago. My professor at the time put me in contact with the company Wander AG, which provided me funding while I was writing my final thesis and doing my subsequent doctoral work. I’m still grateful today, and the Deutschlandstipendium gives me the opportunity to support and fund students myself. All the better that it is enough funding for ten students at once. I hope that many more alumni will donate money for a scholarship.” Photos: priv o. y y ll e er at vate Dr. Konrad Ellegast studied chemistry at the University of Freiburg and completed an internship at the company Degussa as a student trainee (photo on right, center) in 1948. CAMPAIGN Space for Bright Minds Three students show what the Deutschlandstipendium has enabled them to achieve at the University of Freiburg Scholarship recipients and donors have a chance to meet each other at the awards ceremony. Photo: skub Alumni Network uni'alumni 201514
