If you don’t see Dunja Khoury sitting in a lecture hall at the University of Freiburg, you’ll probably find the psy- chology student in Atmeh, one of Syr- ia’s largest refugee camps. “If my parents hadn’t come to Germany, I my- self would be one of these refugees to- day,” says the 23-year-old. This sentence illustrates why she traveled to the Turkish-Syrian border on a student internship in early 2013 to work with traumatized victims of the Syrian con- flict. Since that first trip, she has spent all of her semester breaks in Syria. It is above all the children that the student is concerned about. She has asked many of them about their biggest wish – and she nearly always gets the same answer: “We want to go to school.” This longing for education is so remark- able, says Khoury, that she ended up founding the Amal School, the “School of Hope,” with the nonprofit organization Barada Syrienhilfe e. V. The school gives 500 children the opportunity to re- ceive an education. “Education will de- termine the future of Syria.” However, Khoury also sees herself as a spokes- person for the refugees. She wants to give them “a voice in the world” and rais- es awareness in Germany for the plight of the Syrian people at panel discus- sions, schools, and fundraising events. Dunja Khoury has been awarded the Alumni Prize 2014 for social involvement for her efforts. She plans to use the 2,000 euros in prize money to help build a orphanage – for the countless children who have lost their parents in the Syrian Civil War. Her dedication to this cause has also strengthened her in her career goal: After graduating she would like to work as a trauma therapist – in Syria, she hopes. Yvonne Troll » www.barada-syrienhilfe.de TWO HALVES, ONE SCHOLARSHIP The Deutschlandstipendium at the Univer- sity of Freiburg is funded in part by private persons, foundations, and companies. They promote excellent students who exhibit above-average civic engagement or are socially disadvantaged. Holders of the scholarship receive 300 euros per month, only half of which needs to be pro- vided by the donors. The other half is paid for by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The booster association Alumni Freiburg e. V. is providing almost half of the 90 scholarships awarded in the academic year 2014/15. CONTACT Daniela Mast Office of Public Relations Fundraising Deutschlandstipendium Telephone: +49 (0)761 203-67729 E-Mail: daniela.mast@zv.uni-freiburg.de BANK ACCOUNT Alumni Freiburg e. V. Sparkasse Freiburg-Nördlicher Breisgau IBAN: DE92 6805 0101 0014 0016 00 SWIFT-BIC: FRSPDE 66 MORE INFORMATION » www.pr.uni-freiburg.de/go/ deutschlandstipendium Peace Begins with the Children ALUMNI PRIZE 2014: DUNJA KHOURY Dunja Khoury’s work in Syria has strengthened her in her career goal: The psychology student would like to become a trauma therapist. Photo: Stefanie Salzer-Deckert At the refugee camp Atmeh in northern Syria, Dunja Khoury (center) wants to give children a better chance to receive an education. Photo: private job.” She had pursued her passion ever since the beginning of her studies, gaining experience with internships and part-time jobs in journalism. The Deutschlandstipendium gave her the chance to accept even unpaid intern- ships in radio broadcasting. She was spared the difficult task of applying for positions and was able to make a smooth transition from the university to a career. Daniela Mast 15 Telephone: +49 (0)761203-67729 IBAN: DE92 680501010014001600