The Department of Regional History of the University of Freiburg has been blogging on the Upper Rhine region in the Middle Ages since the beginning of 2014. The geographical region cov- ered encompasses the South Palatinate, Baden and Alsace, and northwestern Switzerland. The idea came from the historian Prof. Dr. Jürgen Dendorfer and his research assistant Johannes Wald- schütz, who made the platform availa- ble as an uncomplicated way to publish articles. The blog provides new infor- mation on current research projects and events at regular intervals. In addition, it includes an extensive list of German and French journals and a collection of reviews of new publications. The blog can thus be used for research but at the same time allows users to comment on and discuss articles. Guest Contributions from Other Disciplines In addition to employees of the De- partment of Regional History, external scholars from the fields of archaeology, art history, theology, and literary studies also contribute to the blog. “Among oth- ers, we’ve had guest contributions on the creation portal of the Freiburg Cathedral and on the former Cistercian convent in the Freiburg neighborhood Günterstal,” says Dendorfer. At the moment the blog only includes articles in German. But since the Upper Rhine region reaches into France, there are plans to publish bilingually in the future. The platform is embedded in the humanities blog portal and has been attracting more and more visitors each month. Isabell Wiedle » » Symbol of the blog: The Malterer Tapestry, given to Adelhauser Monastery by the Malterer family upon its acceptance into the aristoc- racy, stands for the link between the monastic, civilian, and aristocratic worlds on the Upper Rhine during the Late Middle Ages. Photo: Augustinermuseum – Städtische Museen Freiburg/Hans-Peter Vieser My day is complete even without medicine,” says the 88-year-old scien- tist Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gerok – who served as professor of medicine for around 29 years and at the same time as director of the Center for Medicine at the University Medical Center. As a doctor, he was fascinated by the task of finding out what was wrong with each and every patient. “No illness is exactly like the textbook description,” says the medical specialist. Even just speaking with patients and examining them with- out the help of technical instruments can provide important indications on their illness. However, the renowned expert on liver diseases and problems with liver function did not leave his field behind completely when he retired in 1994. He worked with several coauthors to revise his medical textbook Die Innere Medi- zin for the 11th edition. He also kept busy with a chapter on the biochemistry of disease for another textbook far into his retirement. The reason why the award-winning medical specialist subsequently left his field and the hospital entirely is be- cause continuing to keep up with the rapid developments in medicine would have involved reading an enormous body of literature. Now he prefers to spend his time reading philosophical and theological texts and playing his treasured violin, accompanied by a pianist. “We play with the ambition to work out a concrete musical form.” The rest of the time, Wolfgang Gerok is a traveler – in countries on the Mediterranean. Eva Opitz PROFESSORS OF THE PAST: WOLFGANG GEROK Moving Away from Medicine and the Hospital The historian Jürgen Dendorfer initiated the blog. Photo: private Blogging the Middle Ages MY BLOG: JÜRGEN DENDORFER Today the medical researcher and former head of the University Medical Center Wolfgang Gerok leads a life filled with music, literature, and travel. Photo: Eva Opitz 23