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uni'alumni 2015_ENG

Shin-Ho Kang Receives Staufer Medal Alumnus, donor, honorary senator: The State of Baden-Württemberg has awarded the Staufer Medal in Gold to Dr. Shin-Ho Kang, chairman of the Korean pharmaceutical company Dong-A. The medal recognizes Kang for many years of extraordinary service to the Universi- ty of Freiburg and for promotion of inter- national understanding between South Korea and Baden-Württemberg. He is a founding and honorary member of the booster association Alumni Freiburg, was the founding president of the Alum- ni Freiburg Club in Korea, and has made important contributions to projects at the university – such as the Alumni Pa- vilion at the Departmental House on Schauinsland, the Uniseum, and the renovation of the Peterhof Cellar. In ad- dition, he has sponsored scholarships and provided exemplary support to the university through his donations to the “Freiburg Alumni Endowment.” Studierendenwerk Builds New Housing The Studierendenwerk Freiburg-Schwarzwald opened two new dormitories in winter semester 2014/15. “Campus III” on the campus of the university’s Faculty of Engineering accommodates 104 students in 16 shared apartments with four rooms each, 39 one-room apartments, and one apartment with wheelchair acces- sibility. The student house “Lehener Straße” provides space for 75 students – in single apartments as well as shared apartments for two or four persons. All apart- ments are also equipped with high-quality furnishings, electronic kitchen appli- ances, and high-speed internet access. » Foundation Promotes Students The Catholic fraternity KStV Bavaria has sold its house on Tivoli- straße and used the proceeds to establish the new “KStV Bavaria Foundation.” The assets of more than one million euros will be used to promote science and research as well as education and training at the University of Freiburg. The legal rep- resentative and trustee of the foun- dation is the Friends of the University Association. The statutes stipulate that the new foundation fulfill its purpose primarily by awarding scholarships to students and prizes for outstanding final theses and research papers as well as by provid- ing financial support for student excursions and projects. » The statutes of the foundation were signed by Chair of the Friends of the University Association Karl V. Ullrich, Chair of the Alumni Club of KStV Bavaria Hans-Joseph Scholten, and Rector Hans-Jochen Schiewer (from left). Photo: Thomas Kunz Shin-Ho Kang is honorary senator of the University of Freiburg. Photo: Patrick Seeger “Campus III” is the Studierendenwerk Freiburg-Schwarzwald’s third dormitory on the campus of the Faculty of Engineering. Photo: Studierendenwerk Freiburg-Schwarzwald New Products in uni’shop Bicycle saddle covers, reflector armbands, suitcase straps, soft shell jackets: The Freiburg uni’shop has expanded its product range – especially with regard to bicycle accessories. In addition, the shop now offers a blue coffee mug, a tiny USB flash drive, and a biological ballpoint pen. All articles are available in the online shop and at the Freiburg bookstores Rombach and Walthari. » anded its product es. g, nt d traps, Photos: uni‘shop 27uni'alumni 2015 University News
