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uni'alumni 2015_ENG

Michael Moos In Student Council “I was elected to Student Council in 1968/69. One of issues we focused on was the criticism of bourgeois academia and the unmasking of old Nazis in the legal system and academics – a lot of work. I especially enjoy looking back on the day on which Prof. Dr. Wolf- ram Müller Freienfels invited me to present my positions in one of his lecture courses. What an ex- perience! Also interest- ing was my first visit to the county court: After being arrested at a tram demonstration in January 1968, I was brought before the magistrate. Get- ting to know the perspective of an alleged offender was doubtlessly an important learning experience, because I still walk in and out of the county court today – but now as an attorney specialized in criminal law.” Sabine Schlegel Mass Gyrations “In 2005, five semesters into my degree program in sports science, the university’s Recreational Sports Program was looking for a new fitness gymnastics trainer. A „friend of mine recommended me without my knowledge. The people from the sports program contacted me, and every- thing else went real fast. I gave two ses- sions as a substitute and promptly had my own course. Although I did have experi- ence leading sports groups, coordinating at least 150 participants in a big hall with loud music was a challenge at first. I learned fast and had a lot of fun directing the ‘mass gyrations.’ I find it important for people to be physically active and to enjoy exercising. Accordingly, what I liked most about it was looking into happy faces after a session.” I e en ba da Pr ra Fr in pr po of c W p A in f t Ignaz Bender Students Go to the Country “In 1965, as the former head of the General Student Committee, I organized a demon- stration for better education in Germany on Karlsplatz with 5,000 Freiburg students. But I wanted more and started Student aufs Land (“Student to the Country”), an initiative against the state of emergency in education, in September 1965. At 800 lectures held by 120 students, the initiative raised awareness among the rural popula- tion of the importance of a good education. Often held in the pipe smoke of Southern Baden rural pubs, the lectures were fol- lowed by often heated discussions. The success of our initiative manifested itself in a rapid increase in enrollment at higher education institutions and vocational schools. Universities from ten of the then eleven German states joined the initiative. In this way, we wrote history only several years before the unrest in 1968 with a quiet revolu- tion.” elev stat the In t wro on ye the 19 qu tio Photo:private Photo: Freiburger Studentenzeitung/ Archiv Soziale Bewegungen Photo: Freiburger Studentenzeitung/ Archiv Soziale Bewegungen Photo:PeterMesenholl 19Alumni Network uni'alumni 2015
