In the beginning, Campus Report was recorded at the Radio Regenbogen studio. It was the first program to be produced by University Radio, which was founded by the university’s chief press officer Rudolf-Werner Dreier (middle). The first director was Wolfgang Krause (left), today cross-media coordinator for all three student editorial teams. The conference room is teeming with activity as the students prepare to publish a large cross- media story on the Internet. Everyone meets in the conference room an hour before publication. One student is putting the finishing touches on an article, while another is transferring a couple of photos from his camera to the computer. At the editing station, members of the team are coordinating the color characteristics of various video sequences. Nearby, aspiring young journalists are listening to recordings of interviews and editing them for the story. Questionnaires, interviews, dates, and profiles are entered into the web reports in the form of texts and images as well as audio and video recordings. Whatever editorial team the students belong to, they all have a hand in making the multimedia pub- lication a success. Although they were once formed independently of one another, today the University of Freiburg’s student editorial teams work alongside each other and with each other. The radio station uniFM turned 20 in 2015, while uniTV celebrated its tenth anniver- sary. Together with the younger uniONLINE, founded in 2011, they make up the student editorial team uniCROSS. Each part of the team receives guidance from an experienced journalist and support from two tutors, and the Media Center at the new Univer- sity Library (UB) brings them all together in one place for the first time ever: Students from all three divi- sions now work together in a conference room – and a cross-media coordinator ensures that they complement each other in their work, cover common topics, and experiment with new journalistic forms. The Best of Three Worlds The Media Center at the new University Library brings together the editorial teams of uniFM, uniTV, and uniONLINE Headquarters for all student media at the University of Freiburg: Members of the radio, television, and online editorial teams coordinate their multimedia publications in the conference room. Photos: Sandra Meyndt Photo: University of Freiburg Press Archive 10 STUDENT EDITORIAL TEAM