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uni'alumni 2016

establishing a new student medium. “We wanted to give students the opportunity to learn how television works,” says Leithold. The program was launched in 2005. The first production manager was Horst Hildbrand, who now heads the state editorial depart- ment of the student television service HD-Campus – also located at the UB Media Center. The uniTV editorial department was located on the ground floor of the old UB until the renovations began. It then moved, along with the Media Center, into the building next to the cafeteria on Rempartstraße. A five-room apartment under the roof accommodated two offices, two editing stations, and an editorial room. “It was like living in a shared apartment,” says Andreas Nagel, uniTV producer. The monthly program alma* – das uni-magazin has been broad- cast on HD-Campus and on the Internet since the regional station that previously showed the program, TV Südbaden, went out of business. Around 35 aspiring journalists present, edit, research, and write copy at the uniTV editorial department. The students apply the skills they learned in an introductory television journalism course under the supervision of more experienced classmates, and the producer approves the finished product. “I try to bring a certain professionalism to the editorial department,” says Nagel. “In the new UB it’s possible to show the students a much more realistic process than it was before.” An important factor here is again the proximity to the Media Center, which provides the students with cameras and voice recorders as well as with an entire televi- sion studio. “We now have many more possibilities, because we didn’t have a studio for uniTV before,” says Viola Franken, a trainee in the editorial depart- ment. “But since we cover student life topics, we still enjoy filming on and around campus.” Digital Creatives The student members of the online editorial team research and write pieces on university and student life, on science and research, and on higher educa- tion policy issues and publish them on the uniCROSS website. They learn to write classic journalistic texts like interviews and reports but also have the chance to experiment. “In the spirit of the concept of ‘digital creatives,’ they receive an opportunity to find and explore new forms of journalism,” says managing editor Silvia Cavalucci. The roots of uniONLINE lie in the student newsletter Cavalucci was responsible for until 2011 at the university’s Office of Public Relations. There is still a newsletter today: The 25-member online editorial department compiles an overview of their latest material once a month – and sends it right to your inbox. “I don’t think students would be so well informed about important issues at the university if uniCROSS didn’t exist,” says Sabina Kist, uniONLINE tutor. Even people who are not affiliated with the uni- versity can find out what’s going on at the University of Freiburg via the newsletter and the website. An example of a new method of editing and pre- senting journalistic content is the Internet report on Vauban, Freiburg’s green neighborhood. It combines texts, images, audio, and video and is embedded in an SWR series called Stadt – Land – Flucht (“Town – Country – Flight”) with material for televi- sion, radio, and the Internet. The state broadcasting corporation became aware of uniCROSS because it had already published a new kind of online project in early 2015. The earlier project combined material from all three editorial teams in an online portfolio focusing on an important student life topic: finding a place to live. When visitors arrive at the new editorial office on the third floor of the UB, the first thing that catches their eye is the high-grade technical equipment. However, what is even more valuable is the network- ing among the students, stresses topic coordinator Krause. “There is a trend toward cross-media work,” says the media pedagogue, “and the aspiring jour- nalists receive the right training for that with us.” Tanja Kapp » The University Library’s Media Center provides students a modern television studio. Photos: Baschi Bender The student television project was launched in 2005. Photos: Archiv PR Universität Freiburg 12

