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uni'alumni 2016

Young Researchers Receive Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize Germany’s most prestigious award for young researchers went to Freiburg twice in 2015: Dr. Soeren Lienkamp, Department of Medicine II of the Univer- sity Medical Center, and Dr. Stephan Packard, junior professor of media culture studies, were selected to receive the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize. Lienkamp is a specialist in kidney development and the causes of kidney diseases. Pack- ard’s research focuses primarily on phe- nomena of media-based control – such as government and commercial surveillance, propaganda, participation in digital networks, and security discourses. The 20,000-euro prize is awarded by the German Research Foundation and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Foundation Supports Pharmacy The Kurt H. Bauer Pharmaceutical Technology Foundation has agreed to provide funding for research, education, and teaching at the university’s Insti- tute of Pharmaceutical Sciences. The foundation was established by Prof. Dr. Kurt H. Bauer, professor of pharma- ceutical technology at the University of Freiburg from 1977 to 1998. He has sup- plied an initial endowment of 200,000 euros and aims to donate all future proceeds from a European patent he registered in 2004 and received approv- al for in 2008 to the foundation. The foundation’s main aim will be to award scholarships for pharmacy students and doctoral candidates as well as prizes for outstanding degree theses and re- search papers in this area. In addition, it will provide funding for field trips and projects. The Friends of the University Association will serve as the foundation’s legal representative and trustee. New Building at Faculty of Engineering The Freiburg Institute for Machine–Brain Interfacing Technology (IMBIT) is getting a new building on the campus of the Faculty of Engineering. The State of Baden-Württemberg, the federal government, and the University of Freiburg are providing 36.77 million euros in funding for the building. The university’s proposal was coordinated by Prof. Dr. Wolfram Burgard, spokesperson of the Cluster of Excellence BrainLinks–BrainTools, together with an interdisciplinary research team. The scientists at IMBIT aim to develop innovations in neurotechnology that could potentially help patients with brain diseases or paralyses that cannot be treated adequately with current technology. Institute for Music Research The Freiburg University of Music and the University of Freiburg have established the joint Freiburg Music Teaching and Research Center. In addition, the Freiburg University of Education will offer elementary music education at the center. The partners aim to build up one of Europe’s leading musicological institutes. It will include the sub-disciplines music theory, musicology, music education, and music medicine and combine research with practical musical training. Campus Bulletin The new building will offer more than 3000 square meters of usable space and room for 17 research groups. Visualization: Heinle, Wischer and Partner The foundation’s deed was signed by Rector Hans-Jochen Schiewer (left) and Kurt H. Bauer. Photo: Thomas Kunz Soeren Lienkamp and Stephan Packard (from left). Photos: Freiburg University Medical Center, Sandra Meyndt 30

