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uni'alumni 2016

Cover Story A Tour of the New University Library 4 Cross-Media Student Editorial Team 10 Survey: Memories of Four Libraries 13 Alumni Network Bettina Limperg Maintains Legal Certainty 14 Between the Lines: José F. A. Oliver 15 Historical Greats: Edith Stein 15 Bertram Rickmers Runs a Shipping Group 16 Tales from the Cafteteria: Hanno Franke 17 Alumni Answer: Discos, Parties, Festivities 18 Tamina Kallert Hosts a Travel Program 20 Bernd Maelicke Advocates for Prison Reform 21 Prizes for Final Theses 22 Alumni Prize for “Students without Borders” 23 University News Stefan Hiermaier Is Developing New Materials 24 Continuing Education: museOn 25 My Blog: Gernot Segelbacher 25 The New Student Government 26 Tim Krieger Is Taking the Freiburg School Further 28 Birte Janson Keeps the University Fit 29 University News 30 City Life Martin Bruch heads Freiburg’s Literature Bureau 32 A Wide Bed for the Dreisam 33 New Tram Line to the Convention Center 33 Dear Alumni, The University of Freiburg’s heart is beating again – and it’s strong, vibrant, and architecturally breathtaking. For me as rector, it was a very special moment when we opened the new University Library (UB) for trial operation by symbolically returning the last books from the interim library in the former municipal concert hall. I’m convinced that the university and city could not hope to find a better place for teaching and learning. The UB has a special significance for a comprehensive univer- sity with eleven faculties and 20 research centers like Freiburg. It is the place where students, researchers, and employees of all disciplines, ages, career levels, and more than 120 nations meet. Add to this the citizens of Freiburg and the region, many of whom are fascinated by science and research and are eager to learn more. The UB offers all of them optimal service in an attractive atmosphere. I’ve already found my favorite place in the new library: the arm- chairs facing the windows of the fourth floor reading room. Not only do they afford a beautiful panorama of the Platz der Alten Synagoge and the Cathedral, but they also offer an excellent view of the inside of the building – over the students learning alone or in groups and across the long rows of shelving full of books containing an immeasurable wealth of knowledge. I invite you all to get to know our new building. We introduce you to it in the cover story of this magazine – but perhaps you will find the time to take a look at the UB yourself on your next visit to Freiburg. I can assure you: it’s worth it. Enjoy reading the magazine – and stay in contact! Sincerely, Prof. Dr. Hans-Jochen Schiewer Rektor der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität CONTENTS Photo: Silvia Gehrke Tamina Kallert Tim Krieger Martin Bruch 3

