Pho to: priv ate Gerda Klocke Pharmacist, Honorary President of the Freiburg Alumni Club Fields of study: Pharmacy, Years: 1946–1950 “When I was studying, just after the Second World War, there weren’t any parties yet. The people were busy rebuilding the destroyed city and grieving over those who were dead and missing. After graduating, I often worked late and night shifts at the pharmacy to earn extra money. Besides, our graduating class was too small for a party. I was one of five candidates to take the final exam in 1950 and one of four to pass it. After the exam, our classmate Dr. Herbert Falk organized activities for my graduating class and the two classes that came after us. We went on hikes and day trips. We continued meeting for these day trips each year until Dr. Falk’s death in 2008.” Karolin Schmidt Consultant for postdoctoral funding, University of Hamburg Fields of study: German Linguistics and Literature, Scandinavian Studies Years: 2004–2010 “Contrary to what many people think, Freiburg offered a lot of possibilities for going out and partying. There were small bars as well as posh clubs to choose from. I would still recommend the ‘Great Räng Teng Teng’ today for dancing. The electro and country parties were especially fun, and also the moderately priced concerts. The departmental student committees periodically reserved one of the cafeterias or a dormitory bar for student parties – and the dining halls were transformed into ‘floors.’ Ultimately, however, the witty an- nouncements of these parties – with plays on words like ‘Dichter werden,’ German studies – often ended up being more entertaining than the parties themselves. As a result, my best memories are of personal encounters: with friends on Augustinerplatz, in the Feierling Brewery, or simply with barbecue and wine on the banks of the Dreisam.” Erwin Starnitzky Retired ambassador Fields of study: Law Years: 1965–1968 “I usually celebrated with friends and acquaintances I met through my political involvement in the Young Socialists group or hobbies like skydiving and karate. In the 1966 summer semester I was named president of Student Council and was a member of a delegation that visited our Scottish partner university in Glasgow. We joined in on the celebra- tion of the inauguration of the new rector for student affairs, Lord Reith. I liked all the pubs in Freiburg a lot, especially due to the food, the often rustic atmosphere, and the good prices. One restaurant I really liked was the ‘Gasthaus zum Adler’ in Höllental, where they had marvelous Hungarian style cutlets. We occasionally went out on the town. Our favorite places to go were the skydivers’ clubhouse and the cellar bar at the dorms on Sundgauallee.” Jochen Wolter Official at the German Federal Information Agency Fields of study: Law Years: 1974–1979 “Besides regular visits to the bar ‘Pendel’ and afterwards to the disco ‘Caveau,’ what I enjoyed most was parties at my fraternity’s Black Forest cabin in Altglas- hütten. The tiled stove, the cows on the nearby pasture, and the refreshing walk to the vantage point ‘Schluchseeblick’ were always relaxing and harmonious for body and mind. We had parties there with friends, classmates, and many visitors as often as we could and when our schedules allowed for it. The peerless natural surroundings, the evening calm, and the feeling of being completely undisturbed made this place so special. I have very vivid memories of celebrating fin- ishing my exams for several days straight there: lying on the meadow enjoy- ing the sunrise, happy and at one with the world but also full of melan- choly – knowing that a glorious phase of my life was over.” especially due to the food, the often rustic restaurant I really liked was the ‘Gasthaus clubhouse and the cellar bar at the dorms I have very vivid memories of celebrating fin- ishing my exams for several days straight there: lying on the meadow enjoy- ing the sunrise, happy and at one with the world but also full of melan- choly – knowing that a glorious phase of my life was over.” Gerda Klocke Pharmacist, Honorary President of the Freiburg Alumni Club Fields of study: “When I was studying, just after the Second World War, there weren’t any parties yet. The people were busy rebuilding the destroyed city and grieving over those who were dead and missing. After graduating, I often worked late and night shifts at the pharmacy to earn extra money. Besides, our Pho to: priv ate Photo : priva te Erwin Starnitzky Ph oto : pri vat e Pho to: priv ate Karolin Schmidt 19 Alumni Network uni'alumni 2016